You don’t have time to spend figuring out what to post on a never-ending basis.
When you do have time, you don’t feel like you know where to put your marketing energy.
And you definitely don’t want to have to be ON 24/7.
Buuuut you know what got you here won't get you there, so it feels like it's time to *big sigh* get onboard.
Meet Avel.
"The best part about working with Mallory is that she is 150% herself. It inspires me to do the same."
Meet Manal.
"I've made more this month than ever before in my business!"
Meet Chris.
"I love Mal because she knows whats trending, and is a no BS approach."
Ready to start implementing a strategy you can make your own?
Craving peer collaboration or support in your business?
Because we all need a little extra help, and baby this is the GOOD STUFF.
templates, extra workshops, cheatsheets & more
“I don't know what kind of magic you taught me, but now I have people requesting my services in the DMs and comments directly! People are blowing up my DMs?! Bless your program, girl!"”
a personal brand-driven businesses
service-based or creative entrepreneurs
freelancers, consultants
online creators or coaches
real estate agents, mortgage brokers, lawyers
yoga teachers, nutritionists, healers, personal trainers
life, money, business, spiritual, relationship coaches
small batch maker, product marketers or social sellers
“This course supplied me with a ton of actionable items and real structure to move forward, while also taking a step back to set some foundational pieces of my brand that had been missing. I feel like it's so much easier to write copy, schedule social media posts, and overall, just be more authentically me in a way that still ties to my career.”
I’ve built this course to be the ONLY course you need when it comes to your digital brand.
“I was expecting to learn 3-5 genuine learnings, but I got much more value for it than I thought I would. It was so cool to hear all of your insights and tidbits and the HOW which aren't taught elsewhere.”
It's time to start showing up for yourself and making real sales because of your social media footprint.
Nervous? Don't be.
Sign up and decide it wasn't what you were looking for?
No worries, there's no risk here.
I'm so confident this program works, I have put my money where my mouth is. You just shoot me an email within the first 7 days after your first payment, tell me why it's not working for you, and I'll refund you entirely.
Psssst...Need more proof to feel good about your decision? Check out more of my students results here.
Meet Bri.
"I jumped into Mal’s course earlier this year and it has been incredible for my business goals - even despite covid!"
Meet Danielle.
"SOS gave me the tools to change my stories highlights and content to better connect with potential investors."
Meet Rowan.
"Results aside, Mallory provides a space where you have all the support you need to decide how you want to show up. There's no pressure to be anything you aren't."
Meet Parween.
“I am LOVING Sell on Social. I have always been extremely stressed about using social media. It feels completely unnatural to me to be in that space. I started a fitness and health coaching business for professional artists, and for the first time ever I feel like social media is something I can do. I actually get excited to jump into every lesson, feeling more and more empowered every day. Thank you!!!”
"I don't have time to commit to this course right now. I'll fall behind."
"I can't justify the cost right now, but I really want to do it otherwise."
"I don't know if this will work for me."
"I'm worried it's another BS, fluffy course not worth the price tag."
You never lose access! The sooner you join, the more group calls you get to sit in on though!
How many clients do you need to cover the cost of this course? You will get double that in no time.
Click here to see the industries that will thrive in it or send me a DM for personal feedback on if it's fit!
Trust I would never waste my own energy on that but hey, there's a 100% money-back guarantee if you're feeling extra skeptical.
25+ industry-specific caption ideas using examples in fitness, nutrition, digital media, real estate & more
Your pocket guide to extending your network and growing your reach beyond social media
Your simple-to-follow system & technical guide to plan an entire month of content for in-feed posts and your new story strategy
Anti-sales sales scripts that teach you how to sell as coaches, creatives, & service providers (+ a DM response guide!)
A tech walkthrough + strategy combo to create highlights that sell for you and Instagram stories that will impress
3 Lightroom Mobile Presets to turn DIY photoshoots into A+ quality and a posing guide to start you on the right foot
How to Build Your Email List
Building with ADHD
Instagram has been my not-so-secret weapon since 2015 when I launched my first business.
We built a globally-recognized powerlifting apparel brand on a student budget by leveraging Instagram organically.
Since then, I've built two other multi-six figure businesses using those same strategies for digital products and services, and secured more than $100,000 in brand partnerships as a content creator.
If you want a sustainable, anti-cringe Instagram strategy...I'm your woman.
But you can call me Mal.
Hey, I'm Mallory
We're born skeptics (and for good reasons!) and we've got some concerns out the gate. Let me get a few things clear for you...
There’s a rule in this house and it’s that we try new things out of our comfort zone, but we trust in our own self-awareness and we never force things that don’t feel aligned.
There’s a difference between “new & scary” and “against what I believe in”.
You’re not going to find out you have to wear cute outfits and dance, nor are you going to be told you have to pour your heart out to strangers on the internet if that’s not what feels good for you.
The answer here is not going to be a strict blueprint that “worked for me”, but instead going to be a set of tools to help you figure out what version makes sense for you.
We are not going to get cringe-y here.
"You're going to tell me to do things I would NEVER do."
Mental health comes first in this space, and quite honestly, you can have a strong social media strategy that works without having to follow extreme recommendations like posting every day, engaging for 30 minutes a day, and bending over backwards for an app to like you.
Getting strategic on social media does NOT mean you have to show up an obnoxious amount. This is something you can incorporate at your own pace and give it the time that works for you, not the other way around.
You don’t need to waste energy chasing the algorithm.
When you have a fundamentally strong marketing approach, you don’t need to panic every time the algorithm shifts, a new feature comes out, or a new social platform emerges. You know what to do and you get to actively decide how you want to participate.
And I don't want you to be either. ;)
"I can't be on social media 24/7."
Meet Liane.
"I went from asking you wtf I'm doing on Instagram in 2020 to live TV expert appearances in 2022?! Thank you, Mal!"
Meet Josh.
Meet Maria.
Yes! We have scholarship options available for all Mallory Rowan programs. Applications are currently closed at this time, but will reopen soon!
Nope - the proof is in the receipts.
One of my students went from 0 to 1,020 followers in 4 months
I built 3 multi-six figure businesses by 27 using this exact approach to my content
One student 4Xed her monthly revenue using Instagram stories alone from what she learned
Let's settle this right now.